Lifestyle Irrigation

Think water can offer an irrigation system to fit cater for your needs and budget. Irrigation allows better production and return from your land. Whether you have paddocks to irrigate for stock, growing produce, vineyard or a system to irrigate your glasshouses or orchard we can offer an excellent solution customised for your needs. Photo of k-line and lateral long line set up from turf valve.


K-Line is a flexible hose-line and sprinkler pod system that delivers cost-effective, water-efficient irrigation ideal for pasture. A great scalable, low-cost solution, K-Line is ideal for lifestyle blocks, land areas of unusual shape, steeper terrain, sports fields, construction sites and family homes. Easily moved with the aide of a quad bike or similar.


  • low application rates which minimise run-off
  • easy to direct water where required not on to tracks or where not wanted
  • can easily irrigate irregular shapes and uneven ground - hills etc
  • minimal power usage - a 5x pod farm pack can be run from as little as a 1.5kw surface house pump.
  • easily installed, and parts, sprinklers etc readily available

Lateral Lines with sprinkler

A great option as simple as an extended garden hose with a sprinkler on the end for watering practically anywhere.

A more elaborate system may run off a buried mainline with turf valves spaced out to connect most commonly an impact sprinkler (or several) on a skid on a long lateral pipeline that can be moved around a paddock from valve to valve without the need to turn the water off utilising the quick connect turf valve setup.

Many different types of sprinklers, feeder pipe lengths and diameters dependent on pump sizing are available with different nozzles to suit.


Get in touch today and one of our professional staff will get back to you.